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Crisis Committees


The Salem Witch Trials

It is 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, and witches and accusations are flying everywhere. The series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft are rapidly increasing. Will you be a prosecutor or a potential witch? Will you bring justice to the colony?

Background Guide

Star Wars: Executive Committee of the Galactic Republic

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, the Star Wars galaxy finds itself in the midst of an intergalactic crisis. The Republic, which has stood for a millennium is at risk of shattering under the pressures of Count Dooku and the Separatist Alliance. Seeing the hardships that lie ahead, Chancellor Palpatine has assembled an executive committee in order to determine the best way of overcoming this crisis and restoring peace to the galaxy. With representatives from the Senate, Military, and Jedi Order, delegates of this committee will have to respond to real-time updates regarding diplomacy and the Clone Wars, which will determine the fate of the Galactic Republic.

Background GuideĀ 

Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General

SHUMUN XXV is bringing back the Ad-Hoc committee! This is a committee for more experienced delegates in Crisis. Delegates will receive their background guides and positions 1-2 days before the conference. Ad-Hocs are a fun way to test a delegate’s creativity and ability to adapt to changing scenarios!

Background Guide

*Students are encouraged to bring legal pads or notebooks and sticky notes as laptops and phones cannot be used in committee. Position papers are not required for Crisis Committees.